Duncan Harriss, managing director of integrated production company, Limehouse Creative, and Dan Aldridge, creative director, BBC Studios Australia and HyperKid, have mentored four teams of entrepreneurs in their bid to rebrand Australia as an entrepreneurial nation. Harris and Aldridge are working with The Academy of Entrepreneurs on the task for the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) with Head of Branding Fiona de Jong.
As part of the Australian government’s recently announced $3 million initiative to develop a stronger nation brand, they joined forces over the course of five weeks to come up with unique ideas to contribute to the broader nation brand campaign. Over the five-week duration, 61 students and entrepreneurs from over 40 nationalities workshopped ideas and creative concepts to rebrand Australia. Students learnt branding and advertising 101, analysed what Australia has to offer as a nation and critiqued other successful global nation brand campaigns.
The entrepreneurs presented their Brand Australia proposals to Fiona De Jong, head of Australia’s nation brand at Austrade.
“What brief could be more exciting than helping rebrand and better brand Australia! The Nation Brand initiative is one that resonates with our own industry as well citizens but perhaps more importantly, one that needs to be heard across the world by potential investors and talent to convince them Australia is the place to come and realise their dreams. We believe that Australia is the perfect place to test and launch a start-up; because we are a multicultural, young, innovative nation with a strong economy. Entrepreneurs are a key voice, a current and future demographic and the engine of Australia,” Harriss commented.
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